Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Dependable Investments

Investment Management companies pool the assets of investors and helps to achieve investor goals along with organizational rules. A high caliber management team can help their clients to invest their asset in a wide range of types of investment which the investors alone cannot reach.
Secura is an investment management company which provides services to venture capital funds, mutual funds, real estate investment trusts, offshore funds, private equity funds etc. The funds launched by Secura are the first SEBI registered real estate venture capital in Kerala and venture capital fund in India. Secura’s expertise management team of secura helps the company to create a benchmark in the Venture capital industry. All the investments of Secura are based on Islamicway of investment in India. Investment funds of Secura are Sharia compliant funds in India.
Investments of Secura are based on:

  1. ·         Fund Investment Philosophy
  2. ·         Secura India Real Estate Fund
  3. ·         Secura India Realty AIF

Fund Investment Philosophy
Beyond the conventional financing, Secura provides services to venture capital funds in India for innovative entrepreneurship. The promoters of high risk or high growth ventures may give ideas and concept of relevant track record. Venture Capital financing is nothing but the investment in sectors of high risk with an expectation of high returns. Venture capital financing in India at all stages are carried by investing great collaboration with the developers from the beginning to the end.  Venture capital real estate funds in India offer efficient management of diversified investment and thus reducing the risk. Secura presents a unique business model to achieve good returns in each stages of the business. With proper guidance from Sharia principles and careful study on investment Secura give life to an innovative investment model.

Secura India Real Estate Fund
Secura India real estate fund is categorized into two:

Domestic scheme 1: Secura make investments in equity or equity linked investments which are acceptable to the principles and objectives of the company. The investment and operations of the fund are in listed or unlisted companies in other countries subjected to the prevailing laws and regulations in India. All these investment strictly follow the rules and regulations of SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India).Secura funds are SEBI regulated real estate investments in India .Thus Real estate venture capital funds in India will be having a minimum value of RS.5 Lakhs and there is no cap for maximum deposit amount. Mumbai based Taqwaa Advisory and Sharia Investment Solution Private Limited (TASIS) is the Sharia Advisor of the fund and IL and FS Trust Company.

Limited is the trustee
Domestic scheme 2: Along with the company goals, Secura makes investment in equity by satisfying all the principles of the organization. As it is registered under SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India), the funds are invested following all the e rules and regulation of SEBI. Like Domestic Scheme 1, scheme 2 requires a minimum investment of 5 Lakhs and no maximum cap. The trustee is IL and FS Trust Company Limited .The Sharia advisor is Mumbai bases TASIS.

Secura India Realty AIF
Secura has launched venture capital funds and managed two domestic schemes. Successful payback records are there for Secura India Real Estate Fund Domestc scheme 1 while Secura India Real Estate Fund Domestic scheme2 is in the investment stage. Now Secura Investment Management Private Limited, the SEBI registered real estate venture capital fund in Kerala and SEBI registered Sharia fund in India has launched a new Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) .Alternative Investment Fund is the third investment management by Secura Investment Management Private Limited. The minimum investment for an Alternative Investment Fund is 1 Crore. AIF targets investing in privately identified realty and development projects. Trustee to AIF is IL and FS Trust Company Limited. Taqwaa Advisory  and Sharia Investment Solution Private Limited (TASIS) is the Sharia Advisor of the fund.
The advantages and benefits of Reality Alternative Investments are:
  • ·         Investments are at Land-cost stage. Invest funds in collaboration with developers or land owners from start to the end.
  • ·         Fund capitalizes on both early mover advantages as well as reaps the benefits of economies of the scale in the implementation along with geographical spread of investments.
  • ·         Alternative Investment Fund reduces the risk of real estate.
  • ·         The range of possibilities that Alternative investment fund offers are much more than direct investments.
  • ·         Entry cost of Alternative fund investment is lower than that of individual investor.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017


Redirecting finance towards profit is the prime objective of any investment. Management of the finance includes professional management, project management, leasing management, management consultancy and corporate legal consultancy. The management team of Investment Management Company will manage the invested fund and yields future benefits for the investor. All the operations and management of the company will be based on the organizational principle.

Investment management companies in India which follow Islamic principles follow sharia rules. Islamic financing companies in India provide services to Sharia compliant venture capital funds in India
An experienced manager in Islamic investment Management Company in India will help to manage sharia compliant funds in India in different ways:
  • ·         Recognize the best strategy for investment.
  • ·         Analyze the status of finance and assist in stock selection
  • ·         Monitor investment on an ongoing basis.
  • ·         Help to gain maximum benefits from investment.
  • ·         Provide advice on investment areas.
  • ·         Handling the investor decisions and investment benefits with great care.

Investment management companies provide:
·         Help to the fund contributors to adjust superior risks and provide them ethical returns.
·         The portfolio companies with stable long term funds and are given expert guidance to their business.
·         Employees a stable and enriching work environment.
·         The expert and experienced promoters to mentor entrepreneurs and obtain reasonable and sustainable outcomes.
The main benefits of investment management are:

Security in your investments
Investment management companies help you to understand and control the risks in investment. More risk is always associated with more loss of money. Similarly if the risk taken is very less also it will make negative trend in profit. Your savings will be eroded as a result of inflation.

Avoid costly mistakes
Investments are always complicated and you will be always over concerned in the absence of an efficient investment management company. An efficient management team  uses  latest tried and tested advances in investment.

To have more to spend on good things
Basic goal of any investment is future prosperity. The investment Management companies helps to make most of these assets over time and thus you can enjoy their benefits.

To make your life more easy
Investment management companies helps to make your life easier by keeping things as simple as possible.

To understand your investment
Such companies help you to take proper decision on your funds’ investment. Efficient managers can give you proper guidance whenever you need.

To stay up to date
Investment management companies help you to stay up to date with your investment to avoid sudden shocks. Investment management provides you annual reports and review meetings as well as quarterly valuations.

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Introduction of Islamic Finance

Financial system influence who can commence a business and who cannot, who can pay for education and who cannot,who can attempt to realize once economic aspiration and who cannot. Thus finance can shape the gap between the rich and the poor and the degree to which that gap persists across generations. A financial system that is based on Islamic principles and values,which eliminates ‘Riba’ and ensure a profit sharing mechanism in the financial system is known as islamic finance. It may be characterised by the absence of interest based financial institution and transaction, doubtful transaction or gharar, stock of companies dealing in unlawful activites, unethical or immoral transations such as market manipulation,insider trading short-selling etc. 
Islamic banking can be defined as a form of modern banking based on Islamic legal concepts using Risk sharing as its main method excluding financing based on fixed pre-determined return.
Islamic finance is a system of financial activities follows with “Sharia”s law, include the “QURAN” and the sayings and actions of the prophet “mohammed” recorded in a collection of books known as the “Sabib ba baditb” and a body of laws created by Islamic scholars knows as the “figb” the main difference between Islamic finance and other form of finance is particularly the structure of how the bank is set up. The conventional banking the purpose is to pool money from the investors and give loans to public
But what is Islamic structure then in essence how an Islamic bank is supposed to be set up how an Islamic bank is supposed to be set up is based on the theory of “sources and application of funds” there should be a single flow between the deposits and the financing or investment use pf funds: this means there is no distinct function. It is a single function where customers deposits or investment pool is used to fund financing portfolio. There are set of principles of Islamic finance in India there as follows

Principles of Islamic finance 
l  Wealth should be generated from legitimate trade and asset-based investment
l  Islamic sharia Investment India should have a social and an ethical benefits to wider society
l  Risk should be shared
l  All harmful activities should be avoided    

Prohibited elements in Islamic finance
l  Riba     (it refers to the “premium” that must be paid by the borrower to the lender along with the principal amount as a condition for the loan)
l  Gharar  (it means exposing oneself to excessive risk and danger in a business transaction a a result of uncertainty about the price )
l  Maysir   (Gambling) (it refers to easily available wealth or acquisition of wealth by chance)

Tuesday, 18 July 2017


Alternative investment funds (AIFs) in India can be any investment from Indian or foreign sources pooled in the form of a trust or company or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). Investment funds other than the traditional investments modes like stocks, bonds, capital etc come under AIF. AIF does not come under the jurisdiction of any regulatory agency in India. Alternative investment funds include hedge funds, venture capital, financial derivatives and assets like paintings, coins, stamps etc. The gain in these assets can be called capital gains.

According to SEBI (securities and exchange board of India) AIFs can be operated under the three categories:

Category I: The investments that government consider economically and socially viable come under this category. This includes social ventures, infrastructure funds, real estate funds, start-ups etc. They get incentives from government.

Category II: This category will not get any incentives or help from government or any other regulator. They can invest anywhere without raising any dept. Private equity funds dept funds etc come under this category.

Category III: They get short term gains without any concessions or incentives from government and other regulatory body. Open ended funds like hedge funds, alternative investment funds etc are examples.

Both Indian and foreign investors can invest in the AIFs. For the purpose of AIFs the government will do away with categorization of foreign portfolio investors (FPI) and foreign direct investors (FDI). The AIF industry which is in its nascent form in India can be boosted by this decision.

Secura is an investment management company registered under SEBI which provides investment management services to venture capital funds in India, real estate investment trusts, mutual funds etc.  It is certified as India’s first Sharia Compliant fund or real estate VCF. Secura mobilize funds from retail investors and pool them in to pool of investment.

AIFs can include investment companies which receives investment from a lot of investors with a view to invest it with a defined investment policy for the benefit of investors. Do not require authorization for collective investments in transferable securities.

Most of the AIFs raise capital from high net worth investors. They do this with reference to certain policies for the benefit of the investors. The dilution of FDI and FPI will ensure ease of flow of investment. These funds offer great returns to both global and domestic investors and take India to a large investment definition.